Boise, Idaho
Mixed Use Housing
JF Capital
The site is centered on the relationship between the park and the mix of uses surrounding it. The idea is the project becomes not just a project by a park, but instead a support system for the park.
Gregory Walker, Chimso Onwuegbu, Nick Lorenzo, Elva Li, Gurkirat Singh, Keshav Garg
The walkability of Franklin and Orchard is vital to the success of this project. To address this we will establish retail on the corners on the ground level. We are also developing a flexible infill strategy to fill in storefront opportunities as demand increases. These storefronts will be ideal for small not for profits, community work spaces as well as incubator office. The pedestrian experience will be enhanced by planting trees (retaining the 3 existing trees) and creating recesses in the facade for small patios for seating.
Interactive stairs allow for multitude of ways for people to connect and interact as an extension of the park.
A physical connection that brings all the buildings to the park. This will blur the line that defines the edge of the park. It will also give every building direct access to quality outdoor space instead of a sea of parking. The result is a cooler, more climate friendly place for people to hang out that offers a range of different activities than the park will offer on its own.
At the parks-edge a cafe/Brewery is planned as part of a “public amenity”. The intent is to serve Beer, food, coffee, etc., all within view and access of the public park.